Saturday, May 14, 2011

A sister of my dreams

She is a sister of my dreams
Her smile makes my day
she is the thoughtful one
Who forgives me for my mistakes
She love to spend time with me
Her love and affection is what I need
She is similar to a gift from the God
Who knows her brother to the best then all
She is the one who fill my life
Her prayer stays right by my side
She never let me down
Who support when my confidence drowns  
She is so far away
her voice just a call away
She has a unique place in my life
Who can get what she utters
She is very bright
Her existence has changed me wide
she is everything that I needed
Who’s presence in my life is like a dream come true

I am so lucky Rasika that you’re my sweet little sister. My Search wasn’t easy I know ,because it took time .But finally god gave me the gift that I always wanted a sweet little sister who cares for me who loves me.No matter where I’ll go, u'll be in my heart forever.

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