Friday, May 21, 2010

Mirchiwadi - A Struggle overlooked!!

“Mirchiwadi” a tribal village about 2-3km from Ambernath that I visited with my group as a part of our project work (Making a News Feature).It’s really not easy to get there, but if you get their it not easy to stay there for more 20-30 min as it feels like you are in an awkward situation and you want to get out as soon as possible. Our group consisted of Rasika, Naziya, Mamta, barkha & me with one localite who guided us to the location. Rasika was the one who had the concept of making aware that masses of Mumbai and Ambernath about the current situation of Mirchiwadi. She is the one in the group that wants to help people in need, that’s not all whenever she finds a child beggar on stations she always give money or food or anything that can help. It’s in the family one can say who knew Molly Madam (rasika’s Mom), she is really a kind person with helpful nature and a popular Badlapur’ite.
The basic information that we received was that there was no electricity in Mirchiwadi since independence, but when we reached the place I saw a dish Tv antenna on one of the roof. We all were amazed by it, after an interrogation with localites it was all clear. The new development at the place was street light that was a gift thanks to last elections and so people started illegal development  i.e. theft of electricity. They were soon fined for it by the government officials. As we had girls in our team they were all scared on location as localities like this where not visited by them before. They don’t have gender bias for drinking at mirchiwadi, the tribe were high and scared my team mates specially barkha & mamta you should have seen their faces during the encounter with the old lady and an sense less old man.
The condition of Mirchiwadi is worst than before as now it has electricity, medical facilities and a school but it’s not administered nor utilized. Katkaris who reside here have lived on hand to mouth basis, mainly due to lack of basic infrastructure development. The male members of the family work in brick kilns, the women pick recyclable garbage from dumping grounds in the vicinity. The children on the other hand while away their time playing. Absence of school in the neighborhood and lack of determination on the part of their parents leaves no choice for children but to roam around aimlessly until they adapt to work as their parents did. The wadi has a school of its own, by the efforts of Gyan Sagar Educational and Social Organisation, but only in its early days of setup it had a teacher and was closed in just 6 month of functioning due to lack of a teacher.
Rajesh Jagtap, a journalist who went in search of a story at wadi, but after observing the condition resolved to help the people of Mirchiwadi. He made regular visit to the place and the conditions was improving but soon came the cooperators who indulged in cheap political games and so rajesh stopped his visits.”I tried helping them, but I don’t want to get into cheap politics and I’m tired of such irritating politicians that use this people as vote banks”. Today the condition is worst than before as they are unemployed, basic ammonites like water, electricity and road is not to their reach.
The resident of Mirchiwadi are illiterate and so don’t know much beyond the cooperators. Today what they need is a legal aid with the support of youth who can bring a change. As it shame on our part that Mirchiwadi being a part of Ambernath Municipal Council (AMC) is being neglected. Our media and government still not taking this issue seriously.  We made the feature news on mirchiwadi because we felt we can and we will make a difference!!!!

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