Sunday, February 14, 2010

Golden Journey of My Life!!

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”- This famous quote by H.Jackson describes the qualities I posses to be the best student of the year. I have done my best today hence I am confidence of being the best tomorrow too. I am just like my friends simple, naughty, wants to have fun but stands me out is my confidence in myself, confidence that I can do it.
 When I entered my first year classroom for the first time, like others I was also confused, trying to make friends, wanted to know many things, & even trying to learn the fast pace life of this never sleeping city. However, I still knew that I will make it happen & will stand out from the crowd. Till date I have being an average student when it comes to studies. However I mark my stand when it comes to extra curricular activities. I started has an Cultural Head of FYBMM (2007-08) & today I am the Joint Secretary of the annual Somaiya College fest UTKARSH. I have also done volunteer ship in many events like Golden Jubilee year celebration of Somaiya Trust, International Symposium 2009, Sambharna & many such events. I have also being member of many organizing teams.
I am interested more in production, direction,etc.. My talent was recognized at various college fests. For instance I stood first in Mock stock in Enigma 2007 (Podar fest), I won first prize for mini film Once More in Estro 2009 (Somaiya fest). I also had the privilege of doing my internship in IBN7 in the editorial department. 
I am in BMM because this where I belong, this is what interests me. I am thankful to Mumbai University for starting this course & giving platform to students like me to explore them. Hence it’s my duty but more than duty I feel it’s my own selfish way of getting to learn more things, I organized talk shows for my friends, made many short films & documentaries. This college has helped to bring out the best in me with help of faculty members, projects, extra curricular activities, etc etc... I have learnt here to adjust with all kind of people, learnt the importance of team work & most of all came to know what I am. I just want to say that every one of us id best in their own sense but still I am better than rest of the people. I know I have shaped myself in a way that will be the best for me & for people around me. Yes I am the best!

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