Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Kala Ghoda Arts Festival galloped with audacity yet again

Catching up with old Indian tradition, muddling yourself amidst the colourful handicraft creations, connecting with the heart throbbing performances and feeling the beat of ethnic precinct is all that turns this 10 day Kala Ghoda Arts Festival into a giant manifestation of fine art. Extracting different art forms from across the cultures of India, it would then not be wrong to label it as a cultural trade fair.
This festival ushers your memory to hark-back to the era that reflect rich legacy of our culture.  Associated with one of the India’s leading business leaders Times Group, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival has all the credibility added up to its account.
This year too, it exceeded beyond the expectations of the people. The whole area was well utilized with abstract and astounding decor on every nook and corner of the expanse. The most opulent thing you would have noticed without fail would be the “Big traditional Bell” few feet away from the entrance. It rocked and rolled with the force of balmy breeze. 
The area near the entrance had a stall on different colourful masks while the other side had an arrangement of blank CDs used as fixtures in the background. The event dais was located at the center of the area. The scheduled performances were appreciating. The eat out stalls out there, were serving sizzling fares to suit every taste buds along with freezing cold gelatos.
The stalls as usual were interactive and very creative. Some had handmade bags; some had accessories, while some had stationary items. You would have seen every type of handmade things. From things made out of elephant dung to things made out of waste papers, from paper craft to painting art, from embroidery to zardosi and from accessories to apparels, everything was entirely impeccable. 
Not only Indians but, this festival greeted a lot of tourists also. Photography was an interesting piece of the festival for them. Each and every creative object was captured in their cameras to cherish it ahead in their lives. This is what takes our culture far away. 
Kala Ghoda Arts Festival has always been an ultimate aboard for all the art lovers. And such festivals hook the art of rural India alive in our hearts.

Naziya a girl born with a golden heart!...

A girl with a golden heart, which is what I think she has as whom so ever she meet she shower the love of friendship and gives a serving hand if anyone is in need. At a glimpse one will find her as simple in dressing, some use of mascara and she is done for the day .she is positive, independent and hardworking, I never saw her down in our three years of bonding concerning any stuff of college or relations. Naziya is basically a girl of her word she does what she commits. I always saw the essence of my departed sister in her so this year she finally tied the knot of our affiliation and made us formally brother –sister; it was a proud moment for me.
The most important feature she carries forward with her is the sense of being a true Indian, she was born in a Muslim family on 28th September 1989. As everyone knows that even after the independence India is still not focus on the community and so the struggle goes on from birth. So during the years some of our classmate even had abused her on the issue relating to the community but what made me and others stranded was the reply reversed to them and so they never had an answer to her questions. As I visit her inhabitant now and then, I am really close to the family, she has Abu(Father),Ami(mother),Nana(grany) and Rabian(brother). Each one of them have high values of life, they are the follower of humanism they live by the fear of god. Naziya’s father is full of experience, worked in abroad so whenever he gets free time from his shop he shares his stories with me, aunty always advises me to eat healthy food so that i make good health i like her concern. Nana is the one who always gives a good idea of life and with some teaching and tips she is again busy sharing her knowledge to others. Rabian is our small brother who is always in cricket or in computer games. Yeah whenever I visited I had company of some or the other relative who visit them so this showed me that they are really socialite in their local area. Through the teaching of her family mates one can understand what the value of Islam is in true sense not what media and politicians are talking about. Educating a girl child with the push for communication study is what makes me proud to be one of their family member and they focus to make other aware too on such critical issues helping to bring a change.
The most vital fact about naziya is her crush on Irfan Pathan, I know cricket rulez India but I never knew that it could also have side effect on my little sister. As you know I never use to like cricket cause of my multitasking around the course of BMM always kept me busy from such viewing, so whenever she talked about cricket and stuff I thought to be waste of time. I had a clash on some or the other issue regarding projects as I never took most of the interest in doing such hard work rather me always doing the smart work. With a glittering smile on her face she was always there for the rescue but it made other in the groups to grumble but she tackled them for me.
The Rasika –Nazyia bound: we are at the end of our golden journey that was started three years ago, at the start we never knew what the future hold what will stay and what will not with so many ups and down. But still after BMM the lively friendship of Naziya and Rasika would stay alive I’m positive since I have seen them together at times of need. Rasika is one that naziya cannot live without after me of course.....hehhehe. Yeah I certainly forgot to tell u a fact that if you move violently from any of the two both are there to give you a bang so better watch out, after all they are girls so they giggle, gossip and like an Indian television drama of saas bahu serial they cry. The situation is hard to handle for a boy than too I manage with my pointing angry eyes; it is one tactic of mine that works all the time.
I and Naziya: we both cannot live without each other as we are mean to stay together; I don’t need to explain her about anything my eyes are enough to throw up the facts about me. Let it be good let it be bad she is always on my side. She can fight the world if I won’t she gets upset whenever some or the other stream bitched about me. Than to I manage to calm her and somehow i try to bring her focus back to work it is not so easy as it look so be careful next time before you speak about me anything awful because that will surely put you in deep trouble. Naziya is always surprised by me in one or the other ways as I always give her shock with my surprise visit. She very choosy sister she never like my bound with any girlfriend that I intend to propose ultimately it’s like this I’m single as my sister not allowing me to mingle. Purely in one word she is life to me.
Coming back to naziya personality she has what it take to be a future print journalist, it is just my perception not any judgement because today media houses are focusing on sensationalising the news on broadcast medium and so her family values, ethic and honesty in work that she follows will prevail in her work and would make her struggle for her identity. As her brother I would never want my sister to undergo any changes in any ways. As Naziya Khan is still Naziya Khan she need not have any ill effect of what other girls of her class are into. She is still innocent, lovable,kind, and cute personality in short a child, she is respected in every way of life.
So I just want from the media industry to absorb her as she is and not make what they want her to be as we don’t have passable amount of such people around us. So guys think twice.
Words are few can’t describe her coz her standards are new
Love u sis !!!!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Being Human ....

A usual day of college when I initiate myself in nuisance; it was really an awful sunlight hours designed for me at college. It was not my day one can say effortlessly, but I anticipate that this sort of day by no means approach me in my college life yet again. It all started with a dreadful rise by the first light, I had an indication that today won’t be an easy day. Passed on by a chilly shower got geared up wearing formals as the day was patent for the visit to a news broadcast studio I initiated for my classmate.
During the class hours it was found to my dissatisfaction over a piece of writing in ‘Viewpoint’- A news journal by BMM’ites, so as classic Bmm’ite I busted into argument with Editor who I considered to be one of my superior mate. However it can be assumed with the intention of new beginning or a dreadful end that every good thing must come to an end, so did our friendship which has been washed away in the midst of his cry. The tears made me feel of ruthless behavior I have acquired during the stay in Mumbai , although I can’t be called on the wrong side of the law as my argument was not incurable and just the words where mistaken. The whole issue came to closing stages in the company of two girls delightful by means of their cheap talking over the entire phase by very last seat without understanding the issue highlighting only the half story.
At last we departed for the news Broadcast Studio some of our classmate did not join us over, but they were quite a few so each one was focusing over the innovative features of media they were gone become aware off. The Team was headed by the senior producer of the news channel who guided us with the innovative and revolutionized media industry concerning the media houses with that of our course. We Visited and were briefed about each department specifically, Coming to my surprise was the live session inside the News Room with the anchor; it was really a special moment for all of us. At last we sat in the conference room and discussed our doubts with our faculty and the producer. We are really thankful of everyone in the News house who helped us around.
After the visit while I returned to the college to brief our ma’am regarding the visit and concerning other stuff around the college. I was taken aback by hearing that one of our non- teaching staff has grumble that I was asking snaps of the seminar that has recently taken place. So with a sense of anger, with the aim of clearing his doubt that, he has misunderstood me yet again went straight to him and discussed honestly over the subject. Instead of solving my dilemma the staff took it in wrong sense and busted into quarrel, ultimately I found myself in trouble begging helplessly for an apologetic letter, if it was not so I would have been in profound trouble. This is where I felt that working for my college this many year’s was in worthless and a fatal decision, so now I decide to quit myself from being a self-important student of the college. I would prefer to be human being instead being the student of a bureaucratic college.
I had even worst to get through it was an accident that took place during our fest with a band. One of a band member came over the dispute and was a nuisance to handle with but our college staff managed him .however it was found that I was innocent and he was just trying to earn money from the accident. I was shocked by seeing some of our college students were trying to frame me for the stuff I certainly not did. Finally it was resolute that if any one troubled me in future over the matter I’ll fetch to legal aid. The series of episode in one day made me imagine that it’s not so simple to being human in our recent society.
At last I reached my habitat had a fine chat with my parents concerning the issues I faced the day and ultimately with lot of struggle went to sleep with an advice that each day is not similar.
Yet I presume I went all the way through, in just a span of one day brought a lot of change in myself and changed my perception of being human.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Golden Journey of My Life!!

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”- This famous quote by H.Jackson describes the qualities I posses to be the best student of the year. I have done my best today hence I am confidence of being the best tomorrow too. I am just like my friends simple, naughty, wants to have fun but stands me out is my confidence in myself, confidence that I can do it.
 When I entered my first year classroom for the first time, like others I was also confused, trying to make friends, wanted to know many things, & even trying to learn the fast pace life of this never sleeping city. However, I still knew that I will make it happen & will stand out from the crowd. Till date I have being an average student when it comes to studies. However I mark my stand when it comes to extra curricular activities. I started has an Cultural Head of FYBMM (2007-08) & today I am the Joint Secretary of the annual Somaiya College fest UTKARSH. I have also done volunteer ship in many events like Golden Jubilee year celebration of Somaiya Trust, International Symposium 2009, Sambharna & many such events. I have also being member of many organizing teams.
I am interested more in production, direction,etc.. My talent was recognized at various college fests. For instance I stood first in Mock stock in Enigma 2007 (Podar fest), I won first prize for mini film Once More in Estro 2009 (Somaiya fest). I also had the privilege of doing my internship in IBN7 in the editorial department. 
I am in BMM because this where I belong, this is what interests me. I am thankful to Mumbai University for starting this course & giving platform to students like me to explore them. Hence it’s my duty but more than duty I feel it’s my own selfish way of getting to learn more things, I organized talk shows for my friends, made many short films & documentaries. This college has helped to bring out the best in me with help of faculty members, projects, extra curricular activities, etc etc... I have learnt here to adjust with all kind of people, learnt the importance of team work & most of all came to know what I am. I just want to say that every one of us id best in their own sense but still I am better than rest of the people. I know I have shaped myself in a way that will be the best for me & for people around me. Yes I am the best!