Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Most unforgettable moments of any one's life are the college days.

Most unforgettable moments of any one's life are the college days. The delightful time starts when you know lots of new stuff, friendship with new people, makes love and other dissimilar things that are not associated with studies. The collective lives, the food, and the entertaining experience of living in dorms on campus with thousands of other people our age truly can't be beat, and the new personality of it all makes it even more thrilling as we live through these days.

Everyone knows this pain; the day when we are coming in college & the day when we are leaving our college. But maintaining quality long-term friendships is difficult today because people progress often and there are many technological and media disturbance. The geographic and personal space between people continues to grow, and there are some hurtful effects for those who lack quality relationships. Friends are essential because they provide emotional strength in a person's life. Making friends is like managing a bank account. You must make investments, and it is never too early to start.

Yet, for some motive there are people who seem to not appreciate this fact and will frequently invade another person’s space without any consideration. The reasons someone will invade personal space would be. Someone has accidentally invaded their space, another person has purposely invaded their space, or the person who feels like their space was invaded has too large of a personal fizz. While each is caused by a different reason, the fact is having your space invaded is painful and is something people can find hard to deal with properly.

However, the truth is that if you understand what happens when your space is invaded, the better off you are in resolving the situation. For this reason it is a good idea to closely look at the reasons you feel you space has been invaded and how to best deal with those situations. In the end, there is no doubt that personal space is extremely important to us. But, by understanding ourselves and others we can begin to limit the conflicts that are often caused when we feel our spaces are threatened.

We always seem to have people that have given lip service to being a friend. But many times, I have been influenced that they are not. I have found that most people who have pretended to be as friends have shown their true colors when the chips were down. I hear people tell me all the time, I have lots of friends. But the fact is I have a few that are near and dear to me, still I’m forced to say that the most unforgettable moments of any one's life are the college days.

1 comment:

  1. hey.. soumya was getting a lil' emotional the other day reminiscing college days... Seems like every1's pretty much hemmed up to dem'. And perhaps, an investment worth 3 years of your life cannot be forgotten for such trivial matters, bcoz som whr, even we hv inadvertently or on purpose invade someone's space...
