Tuesday, December 8, 2009

‘Evolving Development Perspectives in the context of globalization’

The word ‘Recession’  is in limelight today. It has being affecting almost all the countries to some extent. During this period, how globalization deals with recession and what effects it has on other sectors of the society has to be known. S. K. Somaiya college of Arts, Science and Commerce had arranged an International Symposium on ‘Evolving Development Perspectives in the context of globalization’ on Jan 12 and 13 in Management College in Somaiya campus. This two day symposium focused on different issues in globalization.

A white ambassador rolled in, with K. Venkataramani, former principle of S. K. Somaiya College and Prof Yoginder K. Alagh, a renowned economist and a policy maker. Somaiya NCC cadets escorted them to the auditorium. The event started with the traditional touch of Somaiya campus prayer and lighting of the lamp of Shri K.J.Somaiya and Saker Ben Somaiya, the founders of the college. The rituals of reciting a campus prayer and Sanskrit ovation were also conducted. The chief guest of inaugural session was Ven. Mynak R. Tulku, prof. Emerites, Home and Cultural Affairs Ministry, Royal Government of Bhutan. Both the guests were greeted with a bouquet, a shawl, coconut and a gift. Mynak Tulku started his speech with a prayer to Lord Buddha and said, “It is a great honour to be here. According to me, Globalization is based on Buddhist philosophy.  In a globalized country, it is not necessary that democracy is demanded by people but by kings. They found it to be successful to uplift the education in the society with other areas of development.”
Yoginder K Alagh said, “Globalization is a pursuit of happiness. We have two issues in front of us, Meltdown and India. Now the question is, are we suffering? We know how recession is hitting us. But with the fear of recession, we can neither stop growing nor can we withdraw ourselves from globalization at this stage. We are a big country and we can fight it. This century belongs to you and me.” Inaugural session was followed by the presidential address by Dr. Shantilal Somaiya.
Plenary session was carried forward by Dr. S. Kevin, former Vice Chancellor, university of Kerala and prof Dr. J. F. Patil, former head, department of Economics, Shivaji university, Kolhapur. This session dealt with advantages and disadvantages of financial globalization and economic growth. The ultimate answer to the problem of globalization and recession was, we need to survive through it. This session was followed by a formal lunch.
The technical session gave the chance to many professors to present their views on different issues of globalization in front of the head of economics department from various metro cities. The participation was on international basis mainly from Thailand, Myanmar, Assam, Srilanka, Iran, Mumbai to name few. The first day was called off with some cultural events which reflected India’s cultural diversity through different dance forms.
With the dawn, the second day of International Symposium started. The panel discussion was conducted by Prof. Dr. Abhay Pethe, Director, department of economics, University of Mumbai; Dr. B. Venkatesh Kumar, Director incharge, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Contemporary Studies, university of Mumbai; Dr. T. satyanarayana, Hon. Secretary and managing Editor, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Nagpur and Shri brian Lobo, Social Activist, Kashtakari Sangathana, Thane. Highly discussed issues were on happiness and globalization. There were various issues covered by the paper presenters. At the end of this International Symposium, Mynak R. Tulku said, “I really had great experience coming to this symposium. The warm welcome and the heating discussions made this symposium interesting.” Shri M. S. Deshmukh gave vote of thanks and wrapped up the International Symposium.

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