Monday, January 10, 2011

The mask of cheerfulness

The mask of cheerfulness often covers my grief
My attitude concealed from most
Afraid of, but willing to face the unknown
doubt where my place is, in the journey called life
I have come close to sharing myself
Never completely revealing anything to anyone
thoughts of unseen chains corner me
When I dream, reality shatters before my very own eyes
Accomplishments I strives for just as my hands grip
I experience lost now and then, not yet finding my mark in this humanity
At times the glimmer in my calm eyes slowly depart
But within my heart a silent ignited flame burns me inside and out
I travel day by day, playing different roles in my life
Strength unknowingly resides in me
the past replicate itself once again
The transparent mask I so proudly wear
minute by minute answers will draw closer, approaching it away
someday there will be no more mask to wear
someday my values will be celebrated
someday they will know my place in their life
someday I will share myself
someday I won’t need this mask to wear.