Sunday, December 25, 2011

My New Year Resolution for 2012

 A conversation in the interior of my soul, it’s not that interesting still some new results will be affected by it in the coming year. 


1.      Be Selfish- You would think about yourself instead of thinking about others. It would help you to focus on life and achieve what you really deserve.
2.       Act Professional- It would help you take decision within deadline be it personal or professional life.
3.      Be Dishonest- it would help you to deal with clients, you will only say what they want to hear and act according to company directives.
4.      Get into Permanent Job- it would help you with a fixed financial aid you want or at least u’ll get some social security and will buy some new gadgets.
5.      Get Rich - yes money can’t buy you happiness ,still it can buy you things like a new home ,a new car , Mac ,Dslr etc
6.      Get into a Relation and break it – No more crush this year please …it would help you focus on your career as within few week u’ll give up as I know relationship turns you into a dog from a human.
7.      Save money set PG for the Year 2013 – It will motivate you to save money and to get into an international Film school.
8.      Get Recognitions – To prove that you really care about your company and you do best for them collect recognitions upto date.
9.      Travel – Travel is the best part of life so explore the unexplorable .
10.   Be Healthy - This is the most important one you must at least earn about 20 kg at any cost coz if only your healthy you can perform well.
11.   Learn Cooking – It will help you to be independent wherever you go.
12.   Learn washing Cloths – same as above.
13.   Protect the environment – Use eco-friendly and recycle stuff to curb your carbon foot prints.
14.   Be Happy – Being happy is next year all about, hope to bring smile on everyone you meet.
15.   Make Friends – Hope you make new quality friends in year 2012 and keep up with old friends.


1.      Emotional - Being emotional makes you weak so this year be emotionless. Act smart for a better tomorrow.
2.      Alcohol- Stay away from any and every kind of Hard drinks.
3.      No smoking – Smoking is injurious to heath. Not even hooka.
4.      Socializing – Curb socializing and focus only and only on career.
5.      Joke – Say no to PJ’s as nobody like it. Change so people will take you seriously. Not even on Facebook or twitter.
6.      Stop being Rude- Don’t be rude to people until really necessary.
7.      Stop Calling – Give away the idea of calling people and asking how they are, they are too busy for it Mr Praveen K Jha Understand ‘Time Flies away’.
8.      Stop Tagging - So get me straight don’t tag people on post.
9.      Tea -Stop too much of tea drinking.
10.   Anger- I must deal with my anger management.
11.   Talk Rubbish – Don’t talk rubbish act smart learn to talk to people.
12.   Anshaan- Stay away from all this corruption and anshaan nothing would change so why waste time.
13.   Hope – Don’t rely on your hope coz your hope is not replying since few months.
14.   Give Up – Don’t give up have faith in yourself ull do the best one day.
15.   Part of crowd – Don’t be samejust like a person at crowd, act wise coz you know you can make a difference, if you try.
                          So make Year 2012 Milestone for your life Go Praveen Go!!!!

Please Note : The resolutions are  not applicable on  festivals, weekends, birthdays, public holidays, special gathering ,re- union  and of course when I am feeling low..